Workplace Behaviour
Workplace behaviour is the way one behaves in the workplace and tends to be much stricter than other kinds of social behaviour. This is usually more pronounced in the working environment than in other environments. For instance, a computer software engineer will usually have much more leeway in his/her workplace than a solicitor. It might seem an exaggeration when you compare the two occupations, but the truth is that the strictures of the workplace are even more pronounced in the realm of the legal profession.
Workplace deviance is the term used to describe unprofessional or disapproving workplace behaviour. This applies to all employees in a position of employment. Examples include: repeated urination, defecation, loud noise, gambling and alcohol abuse, sexual harassment, and idling. Some less extreme examples include: excessive gossiping, throwing shoes and books at colleagues, throwing objects at other staff members, and general damaging behaviour.
There are several ways in which employers can monitor and control workplace behaviour. One common method is to implement a formal code of conduct or a set of rules that all employees must abide by. The importance of rules and formalities is that they provide a visible reference to the extent of inappropriate behaviours. In addition to creating a code of conduct, companies also use rewards and consequences to encourage people to follow them.
However, there are instances where the use of a code of conduct may not be enough to curb inappropriate behaviours. Sometimes, it becomes increasingly difficult to control co-workers who are consistently disrespectful. Sometimes, it becomes impossible to stop inappropriate workplace behaviour simply because most employees are used to seeing this behaviour on a regular basis. This is where organisations require their staff to take further steps to address the problem. They may require their employees to report inappropriate behaviours to their supervisors or managers.
It is important to note that addressing workplace behaviour can only be effective if it is addressed as part of a company culture. Effective communication skills are necessary for this. It is also important to address any problems with co-workers quickly, to ensure they are put in a position to address their own behaviour. While discipline is useful for creating a safe and secure working environment, if it is based on an inconsistent or unfair application of company culture, it may have limited or no results.
If there is a discrepancy between what the company values and what the employee's practice, a problem could soon arise. This is where management must take action to resolve the situation. The key to effectively communicating company culture is to communicate the values clearly. Then employees must commit to and adhere to those values. In order to ensure consistency and alignment between the employees and the company values, reward and recognition programs are often effective tools.